Student Online Academic Registration
SOAR System
The Student Online Academic Registration System (SOAR) is an easy to use, online solution for managing your academic institution. Students enroll in class, track their academic progress and financial obligations with an easy to use Student interface. Administrators can manage student registration, enrollment and complete management of all school functions. Professors manage their student grades, attendance and more. Executives, through the use of the financial graphical interface, track the financial health of the institution.
For a summary overview of the SOAR System, please view the video. For a live presentation of the system, simply contact us at your earliest convenience.
SOAR System
Student Dashboard
The SOAR System offers a complete, easy to use, online solution for managing your academic institution. To the Student it offers the ability to enroll in class, track their academic progress and financial obligations while maintaining a very easy to use Student interface. To Administrators, it allows them to manage student registration, enrollment and complete management of all school functions. To the Professor, it offers a vast array of options to manage students, grades, attendance and more. And to all Managing Executives, it provides a financial graphical interface tracking the financial health of the institution.
This customizable software solution offers robust, relational database architecture with greater scalability and accessible from any location on any device. The SOAR System is a Software As A Service (SaaS) or Cloud Based solution or installable at a dedicated server for usage across multiple platforms including iOS, Windows, Mac and Linux.
SOAR System
Financial Dashboard
The SOAR System offers a very sophisticated financial engine to provide analytical data in a friendly graphical user interface. One Screen, One Look and you have immediate information on the financial health of your organization. The numerical data is interpreted by SOAR’s financial engine and displayed in the form of color coded moving sliders, bar, charts and more. Information such as number of enrolled students, the income from those enrolled students, year-to-date income and expense on this and previous years and profit information by month, quarter, semester and year provide a wealth of information at a glance. The Financial Dashboard allows corporate level executives to get a real time insight look at the financial strength of their organization.
The Student Online Academic Registration System is truly a complete academic institution management tool to help Administrators manage academic functions better, Professors teach more efficiently and Students receive an academic experience second to none.
SOAR System
Entering Grades
The SOAR System is really easy to use. For Professors, entering grades is as easy as displaying your class role and entering the grade. Additionally, depending on the grade weight given by the Professor for each test, mid-term, assignment or other, the SOAR system automatically calculates the students’ average grade. To the Professor, this could save countless hours averaging grades for an entire class. With the SOAR system, it’s a matter of seconds.
When a Professor enters a grade, a Student may immediately view their score online. They may view their latest grades in a graphical display on their Student Dashboard or they may list all their grades by class, test, assignment or more. All information entered by the Professor is updated and available instantly in real time.
SOAR System
Taking Attendance
For Professors, taking attendance may be a daunting task. The SOAR System makes it really simple. Instead of checking off students as present or absent, when a Professor takes class attendance, the system automatically checks off all students as present. The professor simply marks off those students that are ABSENT and reduces the time spent taking class role.
From all of us at 1st System, we would like to thank you for allowing us this opportunity to briefly introduce to you our Student Online Academic Registration System. For an in-depth presentation of our product, please contact us to schedule a presentation. Thank you.